Sunday, March 22, 2015


We did a class inquiry project last week in all of Kindergarten. I know that some teachers, especially primary ones, may be resistant to the idea of "inquiry" and its abstract nature, however, starting off with a simple topic like the one we chose made it a lot easier. We are fortunate to have 1:1 iPad minis in our classrooms. They serve as a great tool for projects like these that require recording observations and collecting research, but maybe most importantly for creating a presentation to show what we learned. The topic we chose for our first inquiry project was "favorite color." I posed the question, "What is the favorite color in our class?" (because what kindergartener can't get behind that?) and the students took videos of themselves recording their "conjectures," or predictions. Then, when I asked them how we could figure out the answer to this question, they suggested ideas for how to collect the data all on their own. We took a survey of the class and tallied the answers. Students then revised their conjectures with another video recording. At the end of the project, students produced conclusions of what they learned. For example, there were an equal amount of people that liked yellow and orange, or, more girls liked green than boys. All of the steps of this process were put into a digital book in the Book Creator app. Find out more about Book Creator in the "Make it Tech-y" tab of my blog. I love seeing all of the amazing things Kindergarten teachers can do with inquiry in their classrooms. I knew that I needed to start off simple, but my hope is to build this practice onto bigger and better topics!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Have, Who Has?

I love using this game, "I Have, Who Has?" to practice sight word recognition! It involves the whole class, requires every student to be listening carefully and makes it a fun, interactive way to learn their required sight words! What are some ways you practice sight words?

"I Have, Who Has?"

Sunday, March 15, 2015

My first post

I am so excited to finally get this blog up and running! It is amazing to me to see how the collaboration of teachers through blogs, TeachersPayTeachers, and countless other outlets, has transformed the field of education. I am eager to be a part of that collaboration in making teaching children more meaningful, and hopefully inspiring.